Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Importance of a Premises Licence

In order to perform the licensable activities in a premise, all the businesses are required to obtain a premises licence. Unlike earlier, premises licences are not related to time period exclusive of when it is requested, also it does requires renewal after a period of three years which was necessary according to the previous licence  regulations.  An extent of one year was there formerly for public entertainment licences, however there is nothing such under the Licensing Act 2003.

According to the Licensing Act 2003, a single system of premises licences was commenced uniting the six licensing directives including the terms of legalized entertainment, the sale and supply of alcohol and the terms of late night refreshment. This act overpasses all unnecessary red tape from the conventions that were being followed before this act.

Now the confines on the number of licensable activities are also relieved and the cost of
Premises Licence Application is the same as before. Investigation on a request for premises licence is only done where the exhibition is required from the relevant group or concerned authorities, thus removing useless legal and administrative costs.

Objectives of Premises Licence

The licensing commandments have four major licensing purposes to ensure safe sale and use of alcohol. The four directives are: For preventing crime and disorder, for making certain Public safety, for preventing public annoyance, and for protecting the children from harm caused by alcohol.

With the aim to perform any of the 4 licensable activities in a place, one can fill and submit an application for premises licence to any of the local licensing authority. In order to perform retail sale of alcohol, it is required to have a DPS also known as Dedicated Premises Supervisor in the premise that has a personal licence.

The Application for Premises Licence

Risk estimation has to be performed by the concerned authorities who are applying for the premises licence in order to ensure that it is not challenging one or more licensing objectives. All the actions are required to be considered so as to prevent all the acknowledged risks and appropriate conditions should be agreed upon. For a case in point, if the premises have to offer late night entertainment services then what can be done to minimize the noise produced, also if they are going to offer adult entertainment services, the owner may have to fulfill a condition that no children will be present in the premises at that time. All the measures should also be documented in the relevant section of the application of premises licence.

The type of premises such as a pub, a night club, a supermarket, a cafe, a community center, a convenience store, a hotel etc should be mentioned in the Premises Licence Application form. The application form should also enlist all the activities that the owners intend to perform in the premise. Opening hours, timing variations in different seasons and all other details are required to be set out. Once a premise has acquired a premises licence it can be altered at any time during its existence by the similar process.